
  • Critical “Race” Theory
    It is Memorial Day Again. Last Memorial Day I was on a boat in Charleston Harbor headed to Fort Sumter for a much-too-short visit. But today I saw a TV blurb about the delayed Indy 500, something I have not thought about for many years. That took me back 65 years to 1959. Memorial Day was “Decoration Day” back then,… Read more: Critical “Race” Theory
  • Battles at Bull Run
    Two battles were fought at Manassas. The first in July, 1861, and the second thirteen months later in August of 1862. I spent three days at Bull Run, walking the battlefields, researching the events and talking with park rangers and volunteers. Manassas is about the best curated of all the battlefields I visited. The National Park Service is trying to… Read more: Battles at Bull Run
  • Disruptive Civil War Technology
    If you manage any type of business, you likely have heard the term, “disruptive technology.” The term was first defined by Clayton Christensen in a 1995 Harvard Business Review article as having the following qualities.